Why It's Good to be a Devil's Advocate

One time in college, I was discussing something with a friend of mine and he said "dammit Zach, it's so annoying that you always have to play devil's advocate." It was one of those odd, eye-opening experiences for me, as I never actually realized that I did indeed tend towards playing a devil's advocate. It depends…

Thoughts on my Favorite Twilight Zone Episode

It's 2016, so I thought I would write about a TV show that started 57 years ago. Also because New Year's Day brings a Twilight Zone marathon with it. The Twilight Zone was a TV series that ran from the late '50s to the mid '60s, and has a fairly unusual format for a television…

How to Deal With Stress: Fight Fire with Fire

It's odd that in our day of modern conveniences it seems that stress is at an all time high. People stress about anything and everything these days, and often look to binge-eating, binge-drinking, binge-watching Netflix, and other substance abuse to counteract the stress. The problem with substance abuse is that oftentimes you are just making…

Can We Just Agree That Everyone is Shallow?

A man meets a woman. He talks to her for a bit, they exchange a few laughs, and go their separate ways. When the man's friend asks him if he will pursue a relationship with this woman, he replies, "no, she is too fat for me." Is this man a bad person? A woman meets…

The Problem with Reference Frames

Frames of reference are all around us. They exist in ways we often aren't entirely aware of, or at least don't care to notice. One of my favorite examples involves former U.S. President Gerald Ford. Before he was president, Ford was an Eagle Scout, played on the University of Michigan football team, and served in…

Why I Try to Avoid Caffeine

And no, I'm not Mormon. The key word is "avoid", not "cut out completely." I had a Coke today, in fact. But in recent years, I seem to have drifted away from caffeine. That's weird, too, because we live in an age where there is a Starbucks on every corner, energy sodas, energy shots, and…

Should College Athletes Be Paid?

No. But let me finish, Kanye. This issue comes up quite a bit, and with a new football season underway I thought I would give my take on it. The main reason for my response that they shouldn't be paid is that college athletics, in their purest form, should be: A way for college students…

The Most Powerful Weapon is One You Never Have to Use

I guess you could say that in the past year I've gotten into lifting weights, or just "lifting" if you're a bro. In the lifting world, there is something of a divide between bodybuilders (people who lift for size and definition) and powerlifters (people who try to move as much weight as possible). Now, for…

The Economics of "The Big Bang Theory"

I am referring to the sitcom on CBS, not the actual theory. The economics of the actual theory would be much harder to quantify. So, I like "The Big Bang Theory", it's a funny show with funny characters and smart writing. It's even pretty realistic, because apparently they hired an actual physicist to consult with…