Tipping: Yay or Nay?

I've never been a fan of tipping. Partly because of the inconvenience of it, and partly because of the awkwardness of it. The inconvenience is fairly straight-forward: at restaurants and other such venues, you must temporarily turn into Rain Man in order to perform the necessary calculations to determine the proper tip amount. If you…

Game Theory 101: Intro to the "Prisoner's Dilemma"

If you haven't seen A Beautiful Mind, then you may think the term "Game Theory" sounds like some geeky over-interpretation of video game strategies, but it is in fact a complex mathematical discipline that has a wide-ranging array of real-life applications. While many adults might not think a "game" is a very serious term, in the…

Sometimes You Have to Fly the Plane Before You Learn to Fly

So often in life we are forced to learn things without really understanding why. It's the classic "wax on, wax off" mantra from The Karate Kid; you spend some amount of time learning or doing something that doesn't seem to have any relevance, and then one day your teacher shows you how important it is. Now, in…